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Start planning for your future despite uncertainty - The HawkEye

Start planning for your future despite uncertainty - The HawkEye

Almost a third of first-time college students change their major at least one within three years, according to Inside Higher Ed. We live, we learn, we change our minds.

No one knows for sure what’s going to happen next, but that shouldn’t keep you from planning your future. In fact, you should start planning right now.

For people who know exactly what they want to do after college, they just have to look forward to whatever they’re trying to achieve. And that’s great.

But not everyone has their entire future sorted out. Someone asks you what your plans after graduation are, and panic strikes. You have no idea what you want to do. Luckily, this is not where it all ends. You still have a long way ahead, and you don’t have to have everything planned out. But, you should start trying to.

Understand that not knowing what to do is normal. The way to your dream career is not always a straight path. There are going to be lots of hurdles, mazes and obstacles to overcome.

Start by gaining some experience and testing out your interests. You can try for an apprenticeship or volunteer opportunities.

If you still have time before you graduate, you can always work on projects along with professors and search for internships to gain field experience. According to Thought Co, doing these things can help you figure out exactly what it is you want to do later on.

The most important aspect of planning for your future that you should never forget is your network. You should start working on building connections with people. Talking to someone in the industry or job that you may be interested in pursuing is going to help you a lot.

No matter what, just remember that you won’t get through your uncertainty by sitting at home and worrying about the future. Instead, take your future into your own hands. You must take action.

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2020-09-28 13:22:45Z

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