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BREAKING: Prince William County planning staff says supervisors should reject entire PW Digital Gateway data center ... - Prince William Times

BREAKING: Prince William County planning staff says supervisors should reject entire PW Digital Gateway data center ... - Prince William Times

The three staff reports issued by the Prince William County Planning Office yesterday validated everything critics have been saying about problems with the Prince William Digital Gateway for years. In fact, the reports could have easily been assembled from a compilation of media reports and citizen comments.

Those citizens have been repeatedly maligned by the Board majority as “misinformed”. Is the county’s professional staff now misinformed too? How could they be, with representatives from QTS and Compass perched at their elbows for months on end offering them unsolicited advice?

Implausibly, project champion Ann Wheeler reacted: “Given the magnitude of the project, which has tremendous scope and vision, and the length of time under review, I am not surprised there may be outstanding issues.”

Really??? If so, why has she been trying so hard the last few months to shove it down our throats as quickly as possible? Maybe we should let her donors answer that question.

Wheeler also said: “It is ultimately up to the applicants to address any issues”. Are we next going to hear that after nearly two years of being deceptive and evasive we should now trust the applicants to magically resolve 1,678 pages of issues in the few weeks before Wheeler’s term expires?

Is it yet time for Chair Wheeler’s four robotic accomplices to state their intentions on this project, or will they be kicking that can around the block until after Election Day?

The Planning Office has responsibly done its job, despite undeniable pressure to deliver a different verdict. Now it’s time for the Planning Commission and Board of County Supervisors to follow suit and stick a fork in this turkey.

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2023-10-31 01:27:54Z

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